Friday, December 14, 2007

Does that make me crazy??? Possibly...

I have been tagged by my closet-teeny bopper sister, so here are 5 interesting/quirky (more like disturbing) things about me. Well first off all, I'm sorry you all have to discover how truly crazy I am. I like to give it out in small doses, only after people have known me long enough to love me and forgive the craziness, so I hope those of you who don't know me too well will just forget everything!

1. I LIKE the smell of my boys bad breath. OK, don't get me wrong, I don't want to turn it into an air freshener, I don't actually think it smells good, I just think it's endearing. I have the nose of a bloodhound, and absolutely HATE everyone elses bad breath. But I actually try to smell their breath in the morning, I think it's funny, because it seems like an adult thing to have and they are so cute and small.

2. I love the feeling when someone runs their fingers up and down my arm, so much so, that I have been know to do it to myself when I sleep. I'll be sleeping and one arm will be straight up in the air, and the other will be caressing it. Bizarre I know, and my poor husband finds it rather creepy...but he didn't find that out about me until it was too late and we were married, yeah for me!

3. One of my favorite past-times is performing minor surgery on my husband. I love to pop zits (as my younger siblings can tell you), but with Robert it's a whole new ball game, because he gets these wicked hairs that grow under his skin, and when I find them, I get so happy, and I pull out the tweezers and straight pins and go to town. The best is when the hairs come out and are an inch long!!! I have this desire to share all of the amazing hairs that I've found with all of you, but I will resist the urge :)

4. I love lip stuff. Balm, gloss, stick, stain, glaze, whatever, I want everything, and I never use all of it. I bet in every coat, purse, and diaper bag that I have there is a tube, or jar of something. I never keep it in my make-up bag, they are just stored in every portable item I own. I am always buying whatever is new out there. Every time I buy make-up I feel the need to buy a lip item as well. It's my go-to make-up item to make me feel good, just like when I'm shopping for clothes and I can't find anything, I go to the shoe section, I can always find a pair that fits!

5. I attrack freaks. (after reading the first four things I'm sure we all understand why, because I AM ONE) But seriously in public the one crazy person will find me in a crowd, and find their own special way to let me know they've noticed me. I've had two complete strangers pretend to shoot me. One in a hospital in Utah, it was an old man who looked like Einstein, he pointed his finger at me and then shot, but he made a weird duck noise when he shot me. Another time at Pike Place market there was a guy sitting on a wall, and he pointed at me with his gun hand from the moment he saw me until I was out of "range". I had a homeless person just yesterday tell me I had nice teeth. Random. I had a guy yell at me in Barnes & Noble wondering if my children were of Scandinavian descent, and told me they were beautiful; seriously he was across the store. I could go on and on, but it seems to happen mostly when I'm with my sister. I think she pulls them in, but since I'm taller they lock on to me, thanks Heather :)

6. I used to be attracted to freaks. Ok, not freaks, but bad guys. When other kids my age had crushes on the Coreys (haim and feldman) I had crushes on Skeletor and Jabba the Hut. No I'm not kidding. I think I was attracted to the power. Or maybe I was just delusional from eating peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches. No I'm not kidding, my Mom had to make me stop eating them. Or maybe I was just a typical 4 year old with big dreams...

Ok, so I added a 6th one, which I'm sure I'll regret. I now tag Julie Nye and Jenn Tukuafu, don't be afraid to let out the crazy, you know I'll love you anyway!


Heather said...
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Heather said...

Yes you are crazy. That was an awesome post, a good ole trip down memory lane...except the nasty zit, ingrown hairs, smelly nephew breath stuff. I can't believe you hyperlinked my blog. Now people are going to think that picture is me. I really need to find one of Ken and I ASAP or delete that picture. I will be sad and miss those two though. They have filled my heart with joy. Also, regarding your past fantasies...since you will hopefully start trying for #3/4??? is a website that may add excitement in that department

The Smiths said...

My name is Elizabeth and my husband is Robert's sponsor for the AEGD program in Norfolk, VA. Your boys sure are cute and look like a lot of fun! We are looking forward to meeting you all when you get to VA. If you have any questions about the area or would just like to hear a little bit about being the wife of a Navy dentist (I am still learning), I would be glad help. We will be in VA for two years following this year. I look forward to getting to know you. My email is

Julia said...

Well worth the read. I especially liked the descriptions of the crazy people who try to "shoot" you. I'm still laughing.

Tukuafu's said...

Jess- I accept the challenge. I love your answers, talk about bring tears to my eyes. I remember the guy at Pike's Place Market.. wasn't he wearing a bright orange vest?? Good times.

Kailey said...

Uh, I am gonna start locking my doors. You are so dang funny. Thanks for sharing, and a little bit of scaring. I love you even more now!

cat said...

oh jess!!! i miss you. these things aren't scary, just endearing. when are you coming to see us?

Suzanne said...

I don't even know what to say. Do I think your crazy? Um, yes.

Julie said...

I know you tagged me. I've just spent the last month trying to think of 5 things that people don't know about me. Most people already know how wierd I am. If you have any good suggestions-since you guys probably know me better than the average person- feel free to share.

C-Biscuit said...

There's a lot of stuff here to comment on but only one that requires a comment: Mayo-PB sandwiches? That is disgusting. Did you vote on my Mayo Poll?

Rylan stealing Beckam"s Pacifier (7 months old)