Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well this post has been a long time coming! We've been a little busy with things, and we didn't have internet access for a while. Here is what we have been up to:

I'm now married to Dr. Robert D. Stoner DDS, PharmD

I took a little trip to Vegas

We marked things off our list of what we wanted to do in Seattle before we moved, ride the ducks, golfing, Robert's first trip to the Space Needle (we ate in the restaurant for our anniversary and of course forgot the camera)

We moved out of our beloved apartment, and said goodbye to the mice, squirrels and raccoons :(

We bought our first house

Robert started Officer's Training, and got a uniform

Enjoyed the 4th in Vancouver, WA with cousins

Robert is in Rhode Island for two more weeks for training, he's been there for three. We moved out of student housing and I drove down to Vancouver to stay with my sister for two and half weeks, now I'm in Spokane at my parents. June was a crazy month, and an emotional roller coaster! As happy as we are to have a house, it is very hard to move and say goodbye to our life in Seattle! But we are looking forward to new adventures on the east coast :) right now I'm just excited to see my husband again.


Kailey said...

CONGRATULATIONS to you both. I don't know who has it harder sometimes...the student, or the wife alone at home with the kids. So glad to see some pics from your Vegas trip. You two look like you had fun. And your house if beautiful. It must be hard to live in a new place and have your husband MIA. You are a rockstar Jessica! By the way, how much are you lovin' Bob in the uniform?? he he.

Becca said...

Wow, that's a lot of stuff! Your Vegas trip looks like it was a blast. Abbey told me about all of the amazing food. I miss you. :(

Dents said...

did you choose the Navy because they have the best uniforms? I am happy for you, and understand the mixed emotions. I hope officers training has gone by quickly for you. Your graduation pictures are nice. I think we will be seeing you soon. I can't wait to get back to washington!

Bri said...

Congrats! And cute house! have so much fun decorating it. I am truly jealous. One more year, I can make it. Camping wasnt bad with the girls. In fact it was more fun then being at home, Ginny played in the woods and Violet was passed around.

cat said...

FINALLY!!! i have been waiting for this post!
-congrats to bob (and especially you) for graduating
-LOVE the house
-SO fun to go to vegas
-you look as hot as ever!:)
-yeah for you for surviving as a single mom!

Mama Wisch said...

Congrats on everything!! Your new home is beautiful..of course! Changing is so hard...but in the end so worth it! I have been learning that slowly!! Take Care!

Erka said...

Congrats on the new house! It looks beautiful! I can't believe in such a short time you have dealt with a move, bought a house, lived without your husband for weeks, and still take care of the boys! You must be exhausted!
On the other hand, it must be exciting to start "real" life! I am happy for you!

Tukuafu's said...

Your family are such troopers! Congrats to Dr. Stoner (boy, that has a nice ring to it!), snaps to you for surviving all of it and congrats on the new house.. it's a beauty! I am constantly thinking of you guys and hope these next few weeks fly by (for the both of us :).. Love you!

abbey said...

Who is that other girl in your Vegas pics? She looks like fun, but she looks a little hungry. Had it been 30 seconds since you guys had eaten?
We miss you so much, more than I'm willing to admit or blubber over in a public forum. The house is amazing and Bob looks hot (in a very platonic way, of course) Can't wait to see you!!!

rebecca said...

wow! so much has happened. congratulations on graduating...that house is seriously cute!

The Smiths said...

Welcome to VA! We would enjoy meeting you all when things settle down. Where is your new home?

Suzanne said...

I love the pictures. I am glad you guys were able to complete all the Seattle highlights before you left. What a beautiful home. I bet you are excited to finally see it.
I guess I will check your blog in another month or two. ha,ha.

Heather said...

You only have one week left until you see your uni clad man! It's the FINAL COUNTDOWN, da da DA DA DA dah dah duh(I'm humming as I type). Yeah for you. He looks trim in his whites, and you know that IS provocative ;) You know you miss me, quit denying it.

jules said...

CONGRATS!!! WE MISS YOU! I hope things are going well. It's so hard to be without your husband...even when you have family with you. I love your house. That's exciting! You'll have to post when you guys get settled in.

Lisa said...

Thats so exciting! Congrats with all the new things going on :)

Shauna said...

Whoo hoo! Dr.!!!! And a uniform?! Can't get any better than that.


WOW! Gorgeous house! I bet the inside is pretty nice too :). So, how the heck are you guys?! Still trying to settle in I bet. So, I promise you and many other people, the Baileys will have a BLOG by the end of the month... that should give me enough time to get it together. I'm pretty sad that we didn't get to see you. Luke said I was mean in telling you that you missed us by a couple hours, but hey, I wanted to share the pain. :)Anyway, Hope all is well! Miss you!

Rylan stealing Beckam"s Pacifier (7 months old)