Sunday, January 25, 2009

Looking Back

I wanted to put this in my last post, but I couldn't find it. I look so tired in it. Just looking at it makes me feel exhausted, my back ache, and my feet & legs swell! UGH!!! I was about 35 weeks with the twins in this picture. We should have taken a better angle so you can see how big I really was. This does give me a huge appreciation for my uterus; I can't believe how big it can get only to shrink down to nearly pre-pregnancy size.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is such a hige difference from the prego picture you have with jsut the one this time. I'm told your kids will get fascinated with pictures you have of when you were pregnant with them. These are great pictures for them.

Shauna said...

I can't believe you only have 33 days to go!! Hopefully he'll be a littler early and give you a break!


Hehe, I totally remember that picture when you sent it to me a little over 3 years ago!! I remember thinking, holy cow, how can she NOT fall over?! You look so great this time, radiant, I'd say. :)

Heather said...

So funny to think that Rylan and Beckam fit in there! I remember seeing you in the hospital and being shocked by how big your belly was. It really is amazing what our bodies go through.

Tukuafu's said...

You still made it look good!

Jess said...

You are so tiny now! Especially having seen your size with the twins you barely look prego with this one. You look great! Only a few more weeks!!

Kris said...

YIKES! You did make it look good!

Best wishes to you on the back end of this pregnancy!

Vintage Dutch Girl said...

You looked amazing in that photo! Keep growing baby boy #3 and we are looking forward to hearing about his smooth easy birth :)

Praying for you...

suziebabyzsazsa said...

Even with the twins you looked great pregnant! You look so small with this baby by comparison. I hope you are feeling well and getting some sleep!

Dents said...

wow, that is really amazing. You make pregnancy look beautiful. Unfortunately my backside and belly grow equally. You do look more comfortable this time around.

Rylan stealing Beckam"s Pacifier (7 months old)