Saturday, February 28, 2009

My baby ticker is counting up now??? Seriously? This is getting old...


Mandy said...

Apparently he is too warm and cozy in there!!

suziebabyzsazsa said...

I think the doc's should give a false due date two weeks past the actual one. It is just not fair to see that date come and go on the calendar. Hang in there!

Julie said...

I'm pretty sure that when Heavenly Father planned out the whole thing He knew that we would have to be really uncomfortable and miserable in order to do what we have to to get them out. Pretty tricky to make it so that we're excited to go through agony just so that we can get them out of us!

cat said...

i SO hope that you are in labor right now.

Heather said...

I'm so anxious to hear from you tomorrow after you talk to your doctor! Best of luck!

Lindsey said...

That is hilarious! Okay, not really. I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I'm still 16 days away from my due date, and I'm starting to get a little antsy. Good luck!!!

cat said...

COME ON!!! i want pictures!!!

Rylan stealing Beckam"s Pacifier (7 months old)