Well, as usual, the boys are the wildest children I know. They must egg each other on, because I never feel on top of things. I heard Rylan crying the other day during nap time, so I went into their room, and when I reached into his crib to pick him up, I found him trapped underneath the fitted sheet, while the fitted sheet was still tucked in! I have no idea how he managed that one, I had to rip the sheet off to get him out of there. I blocked the top off with the tent, so he was apparently trying to burrow his way out of the bottom.
Both of them have been stripping down, to their birthday suits, after they're done sleeping. We've had to change both of their sheets a few times, but this week, Rylan had a particularly bad surprise for me after his usual strip down; so we've been inspired to put their zip-up pajamas on backwards for naps and bedtimes. It's worked pretty well; although the other day Rylan managed to get his PJ's around his waist without unzipping them at all; he's like Houdini! So we are enjoying our accident free days while they l
ast, it's a good thing they're cute :)
I can't even imagine if I had two of them! I can definitely see how that would help them to figure out lots of bad things to do when they're working together.
I am sure that this is only the beginning for the two of them. I love your blog, when I need a good laugh I check out your blog. Congrats to you for managing the chaos so well.
I don't even know how that is possible.. that Rylan.. he is a crack up! Naughty little boys.. How are you surviving?? I think we need to plan a girls weekend to get a break. You should set up a video camera, so the rest of us can watch and get a good laugh when we need one : )
Your boys are hilarious. How do you like the Tent thing? We have Maddie's crib set as low as you can and she still has managed to climb out 3x she is not even 18mos yet aghhh. Where did you find it? Love the straight jackets...
We found the crib tents at Babies R Us, and they are priceless! I would be an absolute basketcase without them!
Really Jessica Jo, sorry for your troubles, but this entry couldn't be any funnier and your two loons couldn't be any cuter!!
They really are so cute. It's good that you are documenting all this, so that when they are older you can use all this as ammunition for a really good guilt trip ;)
how can they be so dang naughty and so dang cute? i want to see another close up of their hair!
I have to say I love having girls. I know I will regret that comment in a few years. But I do have to say you are handling twins really well. They are adorable.
Oh man!!! How many times a day do we have to remind ourselves how cute our kids are? AAhhh!
I never would have thought to put their pj's on backwards. They may be one step ahead, but you sure do a good job of keeping up!
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