Saturday, August 16, 2008

Here we go Again

Well I wanted to wait until I saw the doctor and had a cute ultrasound picture to show, but insurance has been more tricky than I thought, so here we go: I'm pregnant again! We found out on our anniversary, which is the same day 3 years earlier that we found out we were having twins,it was also the same day that we were loading up our truck to move, our last night in Seattle. (i also "misplaced" my wedding ring that day and didn't get again until we loaded our stuff up from the storage unit into our truck 5 weeks later) Big, fat, emotional day!!! I'm 12 weeks along today, my due date is February 28th, but I'm fairly certain I won't have it until March. (I didn't have Beckam and Rylan until 38 weeks and 5 days and that was after two days of pitocin...ugh) Things are good, I feel fine, just tired. We are getting adjusted to life on the East Coast, but I have to say I miss Seattle! I should be posting pictures of our house soon, hopefully :)


Lisa said...

Congrats...that's exciting news!

Emma said...

Congratulations. I'm glad you are feeling well.

Julie said...

Congratulations! I remember you were just a few weeks behind me when was pregnant with Spencer. Apparently we like being pregnant together but I think it's good that we didn't double up with Miya's pregnancy. Twins than another one a year later would be way too hard.

Mandy said...

Congrats!! Are you worried you will have twins again? That is my fear, but gotta take the plunge sometime!!

Kailey said...

HOOORAY! I am so excited for you. You and Bob make real cute kiddos. I wish I could bring you some freezer meals :-). Congratulations!!!

The Knight Family said...

How exciting! Hope all continues to go well. Stay healthy!

robin marie said...


Becca said...

Congratulations! I'll keep my fingers crossed for twin girls. :)

Shauna said...

Yeah! Congratulations! Talk about emotional day of the year, losing your wedding ring, moving AND finding out you're pregnant, . . .super fun!

Dents said...

glad you made it and are together again. Scary losing your ring, glad that you found it. Your ring is my most favorite ring I have seen, by the way :)

Mama Wisch said...

Yea! Congrats!!

Lindsey said...

Congratulations! My due date is March 18th, so I'm just a few weeks behind you. I hope all goes well for you.

Erka said...

Congratulations! How exciting!

manders said...

Wow Congrats! That is so exciting. Where in the east coast are you? Can't wait to se pics of the house.

Claire Roach said...

Hooray! Congratulations! And the delivery will be free, thanks to the military, right? I remember you saying that you wouldn't mind having twins again. :)

Julie said...

When I saw the title I thought you were going to say you were having twins again!

Bri said...

CONGRATS! I am so excited for you. Hope you are feeling well.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jess!!

Love from the Hsu family:)

Rylan stealing Beckam"s Pacifier (7 months old)